12 July 2023

Why Your Child Is Failing: It May Not Be Due To Lack Of Effort

Every parent wants their child to excel in school. So, many parents try to encourage their children to put in more effort into their studies, such as giving rewards for high exam scores. However, sometimes, lack of effort may not be the only thing that prevents a child from passing and acing their exams.

Failing grades is not always a sign of a lack of intelligence or effort on the part of the child. Instead, it may indicate that your child is going through a difficult situation. If your child has low exam scores and you do not know how to assist them, this article is right for you. Read on to find out why your child is failing other than lack of effort.

1. Stressors

A child can experience a lot of stressors that ultimately affect their academic performance, including puberty, grief, peer bullying, changes at home like parents’ divorce or the arrival of a new sibling, and depression. These stressors seldom happen without prior notice.

For instance, if your child is being bullied, you can notice them exhibiting exceptionally high anxiety levels in school. However, in such situations, intervention such as counselling can improve your child’s well-being and eliminate the stressors that may be affecting their performance.

2. Distractions

Classrooms are usually filled with distractions that make it challenging for the students to concentrate on their lessons, such as the decorations or the small talks among their classmates. Some students find it difficult to block out these distractions, and as a result, they tend to miss out on the important content knowledge which are crucial for upcoming exams.

Suppose you think your child gets easily distracted at school, especially when learning complex subjects like maths. You should consider hiring a primary maths tutor in Singapore since tutoring provides a conducive learning environment that is free of distractions and allows students to focus better on learning.

3. Social anxiety

Some children may also struggle academically due to social anxiety. As per research, children with social anxiety disorder experience extreme worry and tension in social situations.

The symptoms of social anxiety disorder usually start between the ages of 8 to 15. They include the avoidance of social situations, fear of public speaking, isolation, and performance anxiety, which can affect their ability to take exams without panic attacks.

Considering that a classroom is typically filled with different kinds of children, it may not be an effective learning environment for someone with social anxiety.

4. Test anxiety

Sometimes, children do not answer well on exams, no matter how intelligent they are. Many children suffer from the so-called “test anxiety.” Test anxiety is a type of performance anxiety characterised by tension, worry, fear, and even feelings of being physically ill in the face of an upcoming exam.

Test anxiety can heavily impact a child’s performance on exams. Fortunately, there are several ways to help your child manage anxiety before and during exams. One possible way is to enrol them in a tuition centre that will provide them with ample practice in preparation for their exams.

5. Specific learning disorder

Specific learning disorder (SLD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects a child’s ability to receive and understand what they are taught, as they might have difficulty understanding written or spoken information. There are primarily three varieties of SLD: dyscalculia, dyslexia, and dysgraphia.

Dyscalculia is a difficulty with learning maths, whereas dyslexia and dysgraphia are difficulties with reading and writing, respectively. The best way to help a child with a learning disorder is to support and assist them in their studies while acknowledging that learning is challenging because their brains learn differently.

6. Ineffective study habits

Sometimes, ineffective study habits may be the simple to why your child fails exams. Indeed, unproductive study habits are the leading causes of low grades among students.

Poor study habits, such as procrastinating, cramming, and not entirely comprehending class materials, essentially impact the performance and achievement of students. To prevent this problem, engaging a tutor for your child may also help.


There are many possible reasons to account why your child fails exams. It is not always just about the lack of effort. Understanding why your child is performing poorly at school is the key to helping them develop better study habits and obtain higher grades.

Hence, if your child has low scores on their exams, you should first find out what affects their ability to learn more profoundly.

As mentioned earlier, one of the best ways to understand and fulfil your child’s learning needs is to sign them up for tuition lesson, and it would be useful to know how much tuition would cost. Should you need the best and most reliable tuition classes, Mavis Tutorial Centre is here to lend a helping hand.

We are a highly trusted tuition centre in Bedok with more than 10 other outlets across Singapore that offers fun and comprehensive classes on different subjects, including Mathematics, Science, English, and Chinese. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our tuition classes.